Saturday, June 19, 2010

Looking Behind…

What do you see when you look behind..? Past… what passed just now in front of your eyes is now right behind your eyes… Past is a wonderful thing unless you have to deal with it! Somebody had a good sense of humor quoting this line. But do you how many past have you left behind you?? Not only for this life. We have been always here, for centuries, millenniums, for many many lifetimes in different forms. Interesting to see that we are still here! So do we have to head somewhere or are we already? People like me believe firmly that there is life after death or I would say “life after life”. There are other contrary beliefs and I respect them all. Do we realize that we leave all the shine behind and always keep moving ahead…just as in this picture. It’s a beautiful day with shineful sunrays. It’s a regular day but if I think deeper it isn’t…just like that shine and sparkling day behind me, I was also successful to paint many individuals’ life with bright colors…through my smile, through my love. But I leave everything behind and move on…that’s what happens with us. We move on. Sometimes not but life does, always… The picture is a sneak peek in my recent past or “updated past” as I would quote. There is road going behind and it disappears in my farther past. I have travelled till here in life with bag-full of experiences. I take a part of that shine behind me, allow it to blend it with my soul and reflect it in my eyes and smile…and I move on, brightly!!!